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A supportive, warm, and involved family seems like a dream come true. It is easier for some, hard for others. Every family has its own cha...
Try these options: Which toy to play with. which fruit to eat for a snack. Which book to read before going to bed. Which picture they want t...
Housework can be a source of contention or a source of harmony. It can be tedious and dull or a way to form character, strengthen, heal, ...
We all have time. Make no excuses. Our free time can be used wisely to create the best life for ourselves and our family. Plan time with the...
Today, very often, grandparents are middle-aged, healthy, strong, and still in the workforce. It is great news that life expectancy today...
We can start by remembering that every child is different. Parenting needs to be adapted to each child and their particular personality. W...